Saturday, June 27, 2009

how to make colloidal silver

colloidal silver, colloidal silver maker, colloidal silver generators, colloidal silver generator, colloidal silver water, making colloidal silver, how to make colloidal silverThis is a guide on how to make colloidal silver at home

This article is for those who already know what colloidal silver is and want to know how to make colloidal silver from their home. The process of making colloidal silver is not all that complicated as many might think, but this doesn’t mean there’s no art to making colloidal silver. Making colloidal silver is no different than say making or distilling alcohol, you have to make sure to get it to a degree of purity so that you won’t get sick by drinking it.

If colloidal silver isn’t prepared properly, the most common symptoms that occurred in humans is a condition called argyria, a “bluing” of the skin. Bluing is a symptom that occurs in people that had been overdosing on an impure form of colloidal silver, but this is not a life threatening condition. Anyways, I am kind of going off track here, lets get back to the process of making colloidal silver.

How to make colloidal silver
First thing you will need is obviously, silver. You have to make sure to use .999 pure silver - not sterling silver which is only 92.5% silver, this will contribute to the purity of the solution. You can get silver from ….you’ve guessed it….silver coins or silver rounds! All you have to do is cut the coin or round in half and use a hammer and hammer it to a rod shape on both pieces. Next thing you will need to make colloidal silver is 2 electrical wires with clamps on one side. The other end of the electric wire you will use this end to wrap each of the wires on the silver rods that you’ve made from the silver coin or however you made the silver rods with. After you get the above 2 items you will need to get several gallons of distilled water, you need to use distilled water because it’s the most pure form of water. Finally, you will need to get a car battery; battery will be used to ionize the water with silver. I will list what you need to do to know how to make colloidal silver, step by step below:

Colloidal silver steps:
1. put the distilled water in a clean clear tub
2. use a wooden cloth pin (with plastic springs) to clamp both of the silver rods and make sure they are separated by about an inch
3. suspend the silver rods in the tub with distilled water in it, how you decide to suspend the silver rods will be up to you. I personally just use a rubber band tight to the cloth pin and hook the rubber band onto something that will hold the silver rods up.
4. clamp each wire to the battery for about a day. The longer you leave the solution to ionize the more concentrated it will be.

In a nutshell this is how you make colloidal silver but I am by no means the expert on this but it worked for me. Obviously I won’t be responsible for any complications that may occur while doing this. You will try this at your own risk as the material and the actual practice might be different. Before trying this I would consult an expert and your doctor or health practitioner first!

I truly think colloidal silver is a miracle cure for a lot of common diseases, but it is up to you to decide that for yourself. This article was just to show you how to make colloidal silver, not to convince you of its benefits. :)